“The election makes me feel so small and disconnected from the process.”
Vice President Kamala Harris raised $200 million in the week following President Joe Biden announcing he was leaving the presidential race. And according to the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v FEC , that’s 200 million “free speech signals” in support of her candidacy.
Former President Donald Trump raised an average of $27.5 million a week during this election cycle, which is 27.5 million signals of support for him, especially on the heels of the attempt on his life. The outpouring of support for both presidential hopefuls has been incredible as people and groups make their desire for representation known by voting with their wallets.Some of that money comes from PACs, groups of donators that don’t have to reveal any identifying information about themselves, their values or intentions. Other donations come from special interest groups or very rich individuals. And importantly, many much smaller donations come from individuals. But for those that can’t donate or feel like their donation doesn’t matter, those numbers can feel overwhelming. And disenfranchising.

So how does an individual impact politics without a lot of money to donate? How does someone with strong opinions about this election heartily stand behind their intended leader? Many people have taken to social media, posting their support with hashtags and joining groups that have popped up over night. However, it’s hard to know if candidates actually see this support.
Soon, you and your fellow constituents will have a new analytical power to help you usefully engage with impact and without money. Pinion users will be able to research the candidate’s voting records and see how well they align with your own records, for the exact same legislation. Imagine being able to go to the polls, armed with analytics, based on real data, that HELPS YOU VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE THAT HAS BEEN VOTING WITH YOU! All regardless of their party, gender, race, or other consideration. That’s what we call healthy democracy.
Pinion was built to amplify individuals’ voices about all things policy and legislation. Whether it’s supporting a lawmaker or condemning a proposed law, Pinion translates public opinion into public policy. Our platform offers a two-way transparency between legislators and constituents, telling average Americans how representatives vote while clearly indicating what policy citizens want to see from their elected officials.
These updates will be part of our next major product update, scheduled for early Fall. We look forward to sharing these innovations with you, letting you engage, and hearing your feedback!
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