What happens when a public forum gets banned or changed in some way?
Social media has become where we share all our thoughts: from what we ate today, words of encouragement for loved ones, funny cat videos for your best friend, or opinions on news, the arts, and yes…politics.

Before 2016, calling, writing and watching politicians’ debates had its own set of spaces and mediums, but now a meme is just as powerful as an email or press release. And while each platform has its own personality and audience, the social media ecosystem has become an important forum for sharing important things. It’s far easier to share a comment from a lawmaker or quote their post than it is to email them in support, or opposition of, legislation that gets you fired up. And we like easy.
Posting commentary on any of the platforms can spark debate, opening the door for people to comment, share, or create new content from the original discussion. These spaces have become quasi-town squares, loose forums for free expression, discussion, and some occasionally ugly behavior.
So what happens when one of those forums gets banned or changed in some way? When Twitter shifted to X, many users left the platform and for those who stayed, it became an entirely different space. Similar apps have popped up to try to replace the global town square, but nothing has really fit the bill.Now the mighty TikTok, known for fun videos and commentary couched in catchy choreography, is under threat of ban. People are asking themselves how they will continue to easily share their opinions and read simple explainers of challenging topics like social media censorship laws.
At Pinion, we are working to lead a new movement focused on the especially important arena of civic engagement and healthy democracy. Pinion is a movement and platform where the ways we communicate our priorities to legislators become shorter and simpler, making the act of informing lawmakers of our priorities easier while letting our community voice the change we want to see. Pinion is creating THE PLACE to share legislation and influence it. Each person will be able to read straightforward summaries of legislation they find vital, then directly inform the powers that be whether or not the bill fits…in seconds. Unlike all the other platforms, Pinion was designed from the ground up to enable a new paradigm in civic engagement, because that freedom is worthy of its own special place.
Without such freedom and dedicated space to directly express our legislative opinions to our representative, how can we seriously expect to participate in the modern democratic process. How does our democracy express a clear representation of its people? Most Americans use social media daily. Isn’t it time to put our commentary in front of eyes that can forge the changes WE want and support the priorities WE do?
PINION…Get Engaged!
Written by: Scott Pierce, Founder of Pinion