Money may not be the root of all evil, but it sure is the source of a lot of political frustration for the general public.
Like most of us, governments have to budget so they have money for the things that matter most. And much like individual people, they have to decide which bills get paid first.

So as the new fiscal year approaches for many states, they’ve begun to review their money diaries. And that means spending money on social programs, education and infrastructure. While some government sectors have inflexible amounts attached to them, like California’s required education spending, other areas have more wiggle room. Each government can decide to put its pocket change towards the things that matter most to it, like Florida’s senior public healthcare expenditures. There are entire political theories about how paying the most important entitlements would change the way democracies are governed.
However, the frustrating part about government spending is it often reflects the politicians’ priorities more than their constituents. The federal government has lived through several moments where its choices have displeased the public, whether that’s letting National Parks get littered and damaged following a budget-based shutdown or passing foreign aid packages voters don’t feel represent their desired outcomes.
We tend to understand that you can’t please all the people all of the time. Yet it becomes more frustrating when you look at campaign spending. And despite the endless appeals waiting in your inbox to “Donate Now”, only a handful of billionaires will be funding the majority of large donations in the 2024 campaign, according to Reuters.
In an attempt to follow the money, many ideas and tools have emerged to better represent US residents’ wants, like ranked-choice voting, organizations that trace election funding, and direct vote propositions. However, those are hard to understand and only make opinion sharing available during elections. At Pinion, we’ve created a platform designed to let you and your fellow residents tell legislators your priorities, consistently, on the significant legislation that will spend your tax dollars, right from your personal device.
Pinion is a voting platform, that empowers you to express your legislative priorities, directly to the legislators. Then, if it’s important to you, you can share your vote across your social accounts. By building the site, we’re transforming civic engagement to make it easy, engaging, and empowering for everyone to…
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